Iceland by the Numbers

0     The amount of krona spent in cash. One can use a credit card for virtually every purchase.

1 Fish ‘n Chips consumed

1 Museum visited in Borgarnes

Settlement Center Iceland

3 dinners in restaurants – Ostabudin was the choice for our anniversary celebration.

Ostabudin Reykjavik

3 cemeteries – this one in Vik

Vik Cemetery Iceland

5 chocolate bars consumed

Iceland chocolate

5 vehicles passed on the road in 8 days. Two were tractors, one was passed twice.

6 hot dogs consumed. Four at a gas station and two at Costco.

7 nights in campgrounds

Snail at Thakgil

55 miles walked

$110 on a half tank of diesel at Costco – best price in the country

1900 km driven (approximately)

Driving Ring Road Iceland

134,764 steps taken (according to the iPhone tracker)

Random photos:

Yarn Iceland

Cooking in Iceland


Goodbye Iceland. We would like to return….


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